men-ü Skūšanās birstīte balta Barbiere
men-ü (Anglija)

Italy, where they supply the traditional barbiere (barber) is a great source for the finest shaving brushes. Made from boar bristles (boar offers greatest resistance and is superior at lifting the beard for a closer cut) this is a great introductory shaving brush. The bristles have to be a balance between the right degree of resistance and softness, with the ability to raise the beard and generate a fine, rich lather. Also extremely important is a stand for the brush as the bristles should always dry down and not up to the handle. This is more hygienic and helps prevent the bristles falling out. Always dry your brush by hanging on the stand provided. Comes with Shave Crème buddy tube 15ml.
Before using the brush for the first time wash with soap and water and then rinse in clean water. When you are ready to shave, immerse bristles in clean, warm water and shake off excess.
Apply men-ü Shave Crème to the side of the wet brush or in the palm of a wet hand. Generate fine, rich creamy lather and distribute about the moistened area to be shaved in a circular motion (You may need to use a little more Shave Crème with a new shaving brush).
For a really smooth feeling – shave again. There may be enough crème left on the brush (another benefit of using a good quality shaving brush) or if not, just add a little more shave crème.
Rinse the brush in clean water after use and shake off excess (don’t use water that is too hot or leave in water). Always dry your brush by hanging on the stand provided. The bristles should always dry down and away from the handle as this helps promote the longevity of the bristles and is most hygienic.
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